The Heatizon W-7 Pavement Marker is used to indicate the presence of a Heatizon embedded snow melting system in an exterior surface.
Install the Heatizon Marker Plate where clearly visible in each area that has embedded heating elements. This will help avoid damage to the embedded system in the future, should any work be done to the area.
The Heatizon W-7 Pavement Marker is placed flush in a wet concrete surface or soft asphalt surface or by other means for surface attachment. Installing on other types of surfaces can be accomplished by removing the embedding stem and epoxying it to the surface so that is installed flush with the surface. Be sure to not damage the heating element when installing the pavement marker.
Dimensions: 3 1/2” (89 mm) x 23/32” (18 mm) x 3 5/16” (84 mm) x 7/8” (22 mm) – Made of Cast Aluminum
For use in Snow Melting Systems:
- Marking Concrete
- Marking Asphalt
- Marking Pavers
- Marking Stone, Tile, Rock
In some localities require the placement of a marker to indicate an installed electric snow melting system. Consult your local building code to see if your area has such a requirement.
For use with SnowMeltz systems, or other Heatizon embedded snow melting systems.
Learn more about Heatizon’s snow melting systems.