Used for detecting breaks and/or damage to an installed Heatwave or SnowMeltz heating element.
Using the Rental Fluke TS-90, Heatizon has refined the process to locate damage/cuts to the Heatwave and SnowMeltz systems when it has been installed using the Fluke TS-90.
The Rental Fluke TS-90 is a rental unit and we have limited supply. User is responsible for any expedited shipping costs and all return shipping costs. Rental consists of $275 (Without repair kit) or $300 (with repair kit, includes basic ground shipping and limited damage location calculations), refund of $250 upon return of a functional, undamaged unit to us after use (within 8 weeks). Some units are used and some may be new. Please use a return shipping method with tracking, is not responsible for returns lost in shipping.
Please contact Heatizon (888-239-1232) if rental time needs to be extended.
No return/refunds will be offered after 8 weeks from original rental date, without prior arrangements.
- The unit/process is only able to test for ONE break at a time. Single breaks must be repaired one at a time before detecting other breaks.
- To eliminate the need to remove excessive flooring/substrate a layout of the damaged system must be available to determine where the break is after calculations
- While this process has been shown to be extremely effective, there are no guarantees that damage will be able to be located.
- This tester & process is ONLY for physical damage. In the event of a burn-out due to overpowering or powering on an un-embedded system, the Heatwave/SnowMeltz system can not be repaired.
For more information about Heatwave, visit: